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Vesa Pyyluoma and Mika Koskinen join Midagon, enhancing cyber security and industry expertise

Midagon bolsters its capability to support clients in cyber security and various industries, welcoming Vesa Pyyluoma and Mika Koskinen to join the team. The appointments are set to significantly enhance Midagon's ability to deliver top-level transformation services to its clients in these critical areas.

Enhancing industry capabilities 

Mika Koskinen has had a long career in top management positions in various companies e.g. Metsä-Group, SCA, Kesko, Valio and HKScan, strengthening Midagon’s capability to support different industrial clients in strategic management and business development. His experience extends to retail, food & beverage, packaging, and energy, covering the whole industrial value chain, including production and logistics, procurement, business transformation and development, sustainability, and mergers and acquisitions.

In his role as Senior Executive Advisor, Mika will work together with our industrial clients and develop related offerings and sales capabilities. 

“I’m excited to join a top-tier transformation consultancy and participate in developing its offering, focusing especially on industrial clients. I believe my career in Finland and abroad, and experience throughout the organisations’ value chain from raw materials, sourcing, production, logistics, sales, marketing, and sustainability to multiple challenging investments and turnaround projects will be an asset to our clients.”

Mika Koskinen

Strengthening cyber security expertise 

Vesa Pyyluoma has worked with information and cyber security for 25 years, and his expertise covers strategic leadership and governance as well as deep and practical technical understanding. Pyyluoma joins Midagon from Savings Banks Group and has previously held various positions both on the consulting and client side of the table.

In addition to working together with Midagon’s clients in developing their security capabilities and leading security transformations, he will support Midagon in developing its cyber security offering and related capabilities. Pyyluoma joins Midagon as a Security Advisor.  

“Cyber security is my passion, a challenging 3D puzzle that is constantly in motion and that you must solve faster than a legion of nameless adversaries. But to really excel in the game, you need teammates of equal insight, vision, and energy. I am delighted to join team Midagon with its unparalleled wealth of business and IT acumen. We are looking forward to delivering transformative cyber leadership to take your game to the next level.”

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